Fresh spaghetti, bucatini, rigatoni, fusilli, large macaroni or small macaroni with one attachment. Simply attach to the hub of your stand mixer, choose one of the 6 interchangeable pasta plates and enjoy fresh pasta in minutes. Storage case: Helps you keep all of the pasta plates and accessories neat and organized when not in use.
Compatible with Any KitchenAid Stand Mixer
Transform your stand mixer into a versatile kitchen appliance that can help you tackle even more culinary tasks.
Attaches to Power Hub
On your stand mixer and uses the power of the motor to operate the attachment.
Six Interchangeable Pasta Plates
Offers great versatility, allowing you to make batches of spaghetti, bucatini, rigatoni, fusilli, large macaroni or small macaroni. The plates are simple to change at any time.
Product Weight
7 lbs
Item Condition
KitchenAid shipped free across Canada on orders over $149. Since 1919 KitchenAid has been producing the iconic KitchenAid Stand Mixer, and made a name for themselves as the premier Stand Mixer available, in addition to providing a wide range of attachments such as the Spiralizer, Ice Cream Maker, Pasta Roller & Cutter set, Meat Grinder and more.